
イベント告知 "祝!「伝統的酒造り」ユネスコ無形文化遺産登録" An Awamori event will be held to commemorate the registration of “traditional Sake Making” as a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage!


An Awamori event will be held to commemorate the registration of “Traditional Sake making” as a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage!

At the event site, panels will be set up where you can learn about the history and production process of Ryukyu Awamori. In addition, awamori drinks will be served by awamori meisters and there will be kitchen cars serving dishes made with awamori, so let's all enjoy drinking and awamori together!
Event to Commemorate the Registration of “Traditional Sake Making” as a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage

・12月12日(木)・13日(金) 16時~20時(LO.19:30)
 場所:琉球新報社1階 公開空地 あじまーる
・12月19日(木)・20日(金) 16時~20時(LO.19:30)
 場所:沖縄タイムスビル1階 公開空地
■Event Outline
・Thursday, December 12 and Friday, December 13, 16:00 - 20:00 (LO.19:30)
 Place: Ajimaru, open space on the 1st floor of Ryukyu Shimpo
・Thursday, December 19 and Friday, December 20, 16:00 - 20:00 (LO.19:30)
 Place: Okinawa Times Bldg. 1F, Open Air Space
■About tickets (how awamori and food will be served)
 Tickets will be sold at the venue on the day of the event for 1,000 yen (5 tickets of 200 yen each).Tickets can be used to purchase awamori drinks for 200 yen and food for 600 yen and up.

主催:沖縄県酒造組合 TEL 098-868-3727
運営:㈱ブレーン沖縄 TEL 098-862-6269
[Inquiries: [Inquiries]
Organizer: Okinawa Sake Brewers Association TEL 098-868-3727
Operated by: Brain Okinawa Inc. TEL 098-862-6269